%0 Journal Article %T A collocation method for the solution of nonlinear one-dimensional parabolic equations %A J. Rashidinia %A M. Ghasemi %A R. Jalilian %J Mathematical Sciences Quarterly Journal %D 2010 %I Springer %X In this paper, we develop a collocation method based on cubic B-spline to the solution of nonlinear parabolic equation $varepsilon u_{xx}=a(x,t)u_{t}+phi(x,t,u,u_{x})$ subject to appropriate initial, and Dirichlet boundary conditions, where $varepsilon >0$ is a small constant. We developed a new two-level three-point scheme of order $O(k^2+h^2)$. The convergence analysis of the method is proved. Numerical results are given to illustrate the efficiency of our method computationally. %K Cubic B-spline method %K Nonlinear parabolic equation %K Singularly perturbed %K Convection-Diffusion equation %K Burgers¡¯ equation %K Convergence analysis. %U http://mathscience.kiau.ac.ir/Content/Vol4No1/7.pdf