%0 Journal Article %T Ocorr¨ºncia e conserva o de Touit melanonotus (Aves, Psittacidae) no sul do Brasil Occurrence and conservation of Touit melanonotus (Aves, Psittacidae) in southern Brazil %A Marcelo A. V. Vallejos %A Ricardo Belmonte-Lopes %A Louri Klemann-Junior %A Marcos R. Bornschein %J Iheringia. S¨¦rie Zoologia %D 2013 %I Funda??o Zoobot?nica do Rio Grande do Sul %X O apuim-de-costas-pretas [Touit melanonotus (Wied, 1820)] ¨¦ uma esp¨¦cie florestal end¨ºmica da Mata Atlantica Brasileira e de relevante interesse conservacionista. Trata-se de uma ave com poucas informa es dispon¨ªveis acerca de sua hist¨®ria natural e distribui o geogr¨¢fica e novas observa es s o importantes fontes de informa o para auxiliar na conserva o da esp¨¦cie. Aqui reavaliamos o primeiro registro da esp¨¦cie e apresentamos novas observa es no estado do Paran¨¢, sul do Brasil. As vocaliza es atribu¨ªdas a T. melanonotus e que consubstanciaram sua ocorr¨ºncia no estado foram examinadas com aux¨ªlio de espectrogramas e identificadas como vozes de Pionopsitta pileata (Scopoli, 1769). N o obstante, T. melanonotus ocorre com certa regularidade no Paran¨¢, como indicado por novos registros da esp¨¦cie em sete localidades distribu¨ªdas por todo o litoral do estado. Esta ave foi registrada principalmente em florestas de terras baixas e, uma vez que esta fisionomia sofre intensas press es antr¨®picas, sugerimos que esfor os de conserva o da esp¨¦cie devem priorizar a preserva o desses h¨¢bitats. The Brown-backed Parrotlet [Touit melanonotus (Wied, 1820)] is a rare forest species restricted to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and is included in the endangered category for species threatened of extinction. As there is a lack of knowledge about the species' natural history and occurrence, new observations can provide helpful information for parrotlet conservation. Here we reevaluate the first record for the species and present new records for the state of Paran¨¢ (southern Brazil). The vocalizations previously attributed to T. melanonotus, and which were used to infer its occurrence in the state, were examined by spectrogram analysis. These were actually found to be vocalizations of the Red-capped Parrot [Pionopsita pileata (Scopoli, 1769)], representing a case of misidentification. Even so, the Brown-backed Parrotlet occurs with some regularity in the state of Paran¨¢, as shown by 12 records spread through seven localities spanning the entire Paran¨¢ coast. The Brown-backed Parrotlet was recorded mostly in lowland areas, and as these forest types suffer intense pressures, conservation efforts aiming the species preservation should focus in the maintenance of these habitats. %K Apuim-de-costas-pretas %K floresta litoranea %K litoral do Paran¨¢ %K vocaliza o %K Brown-backed Parrotlet %K lowland forests %K Paran¨¢ coast %K vocalization %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0073-47212013000100005