%0 Journal Article %T Planning for Mathematics Instruction: A Model of Experienced Teachers' Planning Processes in the Context of a Reform Mathematics Curriculum %A Alison M. Castro Superfine %J Mathematics Educator %D 2008 %I University of Georgia %X Planning is an important phase of teaching, during which teachers make decisions about various aspects of instruction that ultimately shape students¡¯ opportunities to learn. Prior research on teacher planning, however, fails to adequately describe experienced teachers¡¯ planning decisions, and is unclear about the extent to which teachers use curriculum materials to inform their decisions. Using data from 6th grade mathematics teachers¡¯ use of curriculum materials, this study presents a discipline-specific model of experienced mathematics teachers¡¯ planning. The proposed model provides a lens for understanding the nature of teachers¡¯ planning decisions, and the conditions under which such decisions change over time. %U http://math.coe.uga.edu/TME/Issues/v18n2/v18n2_Castro%20Superfine.pdf