%0 Journal Article %T Estimation of above-ground biomass and sequestered carbon of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani L.) in Antalya, Turkey %A Durkaya B %A Durkaya A %A Makineci E %A ščlkščdščr M %J iForest : Biogeosciences and Forestry %D 2013 %I Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) %R 10.3832/ifor0899-006 %X Based on data obtained from 36 sample trees, above-ground biomass development of Taurus Cedar was modeled according to tree components on a single-tree basis. Carbon concentrations of tree components were established with the help of samples taken from sample trees. The biomass and sequestered carbon were modeled from the standing stem volume of single trees. It was determined that a coefficient of 0.51 could be used for Taurus Cedar species as a conversion factor from fresh weight to dry weight. Carbon concentrations were found to be lowest in branch barks, with a ratio of 49.5%, and highest in needles, with a ratio of 52.8%. According to the results of a comparison between volume, biomass and stored carbon amounts, 70.27 tons of biomass and 35.56 tons of carbon are stored in each standing stem volume of 100 m3. %K Above-ground Biomass %K Carbon Concentration %K Carbon Storage %K Cedrus libani L. %K Stem Volume %U http://www.sisef.it/iforest/contents/?id=ifor0899-006