%0 Journal Article %T Tracing ¡°Taiwanization¡± Processes in Taiwanese Presidential Statements in Times of Cross-Strait Rapprochement %A Lutgard Lams %A Xavier Li-wen Liao %J Journal of Current Chinese Affairs %D 2011 %I German Institute of Global and Area Studies, (GIGA) %X Over the last few decades, Taiwanese society has witnessed processes of localization/ Taiwanization/ de- and re-Sinicization (Sinification), all vying for legitimacy. These trends in the nation-building process are played out on the state as well as the civil society level. It can thus be useful to examine whether societal (de-)localization trends are paralleled in any ideological repositioning of official and/or media discourses after a change in ruling party. The current article investigates an important discursive site in Taiwan¡¯s public space, the presidential discourse of the new Kuomintang (KMT) (Guomindang) era, starting from the inauguration address by President Ma Ying-jeou (Ma Yingjiu) on 20 May 2008. %K Social sciences %K Political science %K Identity %K Nation building %K Presidential systems %K 300 %K 301 %K 320 %K Taiwan %K Contemporary %U http://hup.sub.uni-hamburg.de/giga/jcca/article/view/404