%0 Journal Article %T Hypertensive Encephalopathy %A Mostafa SHARIFIAN %J Iranian Journal of Child Neurology %D 2012 %I Iranian Child Neurology Society %X Hypertension is called the silent killer and vital organs such as the brain, eyes,kidneys and the heart are the targets. Seizure, central nervous system (CNS)hemorrhage, and cerebrovascular accident (CVA), blindness and heart attacksare the end points.The prevalence of hypertension in children is much less than adults, but evidencereveals that the source of hypertension in adulthood goes back to childhood. In70-80% of cases hypertension is due to renal diseases. In children, hypertensiveencephalopathy (HE) may be the first manifestation of renal diseases. Seizure isone of the most common manifestations of HE.In this article, definitions, etiology, pathophysiology and finally the acute andchronic managements of HE will be discussed. %K Hypertension %K Hypertensive encephalopathy %K Children. %U http://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/index.php/ijcn/article/view/3530/3205