%0 Journal Article %T HOMEM-BICHO, HOMEM-COISA: AS DESIGUALDADES SOCIOAMBIENTAIS SOB A LUZ DA LITERATURA %A Rosane Tavares Almeida %J DLCV : L¨ªngua, Lingu¨ªstica & Literatura %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal da Para¨ªba %X This article aims to show that, despite recent discussions about environmental problems, the literature has been proposing a dialogue between man and nature in order to promote reflection on this interaction and thereby highlight the condition in which the two meet. When you take a look at some examples of our literature is possible to demonstrate the possible relationship between different knowledge, giving rise to the senses that provide a comprehensive understanding about reality. Search also recognize some points of contact between the novel Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos and the poems O Bicho, by Manuel Bandeira and Eu, Etiqueta, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, for them to observe the human condition within the capitalist system where environmental inequalities are overlaid with social inequalities. %K environmental issues %K literature %K man %K nature %K social inequality %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/dclv/article/view/10708/7856