%0 Journal Article %T A INTERTEXTUALIDADE NO CONTEXTO DAS RELA ES SINTAGM¨¢TICAS E PARADIGM¨¢TICAS: POR UMA UTILIZA O DO LEGADO SAUSSURIANO %A Graziela Frainer Knoll %J DLCV : L¨ªngua, Lingu¨ªstica & Literatura %D 2010 %I Universidade Federal da Para¨ªba %X The article proposes to make a reflection about the Saussurian concepts of syntagm and paradigm making a relationship with intertextuality. For this, besides Saussure, Bakhtin and Kristeva are referred about, respectively, dialogism and intertextuality. Anticipating the conclusionof this work, the intertextual relations are paradigmatic relations. %K intertextuality %K syntagm %K paradigm %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/dclv/article/view/4514/4653