%0 Journal Article %T FERTILIZATION OF VINE BY A 5-AMINOLEVULINIC ACID-BASED FERTILIZER AND ITS PROFITABILITY %A VLADIMR IMANSK %A Otto LOEK %J Journal of Central European Agriculture %D 2013 %I Journal of Central European Agriculture %R 10.5513/jcea01/14.1.1195 %X In this work we investigated the effect of different doses of NPKS fertilizer added into the soil for nutrient contents in the soil, as well as the quantity and quality of grapes. During the vegetation of the vine, we tested the 5-aminolevulinic acid-based fertilizer (ALA). We summarize that higher doses of fertilizer added into soil caused higher amounts of available nutrients. During the vegetation of the vine an increase of ALA had a positive effect on the optimal balance of nutrients. Fertilization also increased the grape-vine yield, with the strongest effect (by 68%) observed due to the application of ALA during the vegetation period of the vine. Added fertilizers had a statistically significant influence on decreased sugar concentration in the grape-vine however the addition of fertilizer into the soil, mainly the application of ALA during vegetation of the vine (by 57%) had a positive effect on increase of the total content of sugar in the grape-vine, produced on 1 hectare. The year had a significant influence on the economical evaluation. %K 5-aminolevulinic acid-based fertilizer %K economical effectiveness of fertilizers %K fertilization %K vine %U http://jcea.agr.hr/articles/774612_FERTILIZATION_OF_VINE_BY_A_5_AMINOLEVULINIC_ACID_BASED_FERTILIZER_AND_ITS_PROFITABILITY_en.pdf