%0 Journal Article %T ROMANIA AND EUROPE ¨C ECONOMIC GAPS¡¯ STORAGE (1500 - 2010), BY BOGDAN MURGESCU, BUCHAREST, POLIROM: 2010. %A Dr. Florin BONCIU %J Diversit¨¦ et Identit¨¦ Culturelle en Europe (DICE) %D 2010 %I Editura Muzeul National al Literaturii Romane %X The study ¡°Romania and Europe ¨C Economic gaps¡¯ storage (1500 - 2010)¡±, by the historian Bogdan Murgescu brings the idea of a journey in time, documented and researched across more than five centuries, oriented towards the economic history field with numerous additions and incursions to the factual history, sociology, politics, religion, culture in its complete comprehension. %U http://mnlr.ro/documenteupload/editura/fisiere/dice_7.2_-_2010.pdf