%0 Journal Article %T THE FORMATION FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF UNIVERSITARY TEACHERS AS AGENTS OF CHANGE AGAINST THE NEW CHALLENGES / LA FORMACI車N PARA LA INVESTIGACI車N DE LOS DOCENTES UNIVERSITARIOS COMO AGENTES DE CAMBIO ANTE LOS NUEVOS DESAF赤OS %A Martha Virginia D赤az Alarc車n %J Didasc@lia : Did芍ctica y Educaci車n %D 2012 %I Universidad de Las Tunas & Universidad de Ciencias Pedag車gicas de Granma %X Today Venezuela is undergoing a revolutionary transformation with changes in national political paradigm, which do not escape the institutions of higher education, being essential to have a management process that meets its social mission, specifically in the preservation, development and promotion of culture, which in its dialectical relationship is an expression of the integration of college substantive processes. The National Experimental Polytechnic University of the Armed Forces (UNEFA) initiated a process of expansion and updating of curricula in the context of globalization, an increase in enrollment to reach the goals the President has proposed a university without exceptions of any kind, a fact that promises a truly national university, with real presence in different regions of the country and open to the Venezuelan people. These objectives require an arduous process of preparing professionals for the construction of new knowledge based on the detection of contextual social needs, requiring the development of a proposal that is able to reduce a whole range of difficulties in the process of scientific inquiry, a process which focuses on the purpose of this work, and in the preparation of teachers for research through the development-research training from the universities. %K Higher Education Expansion %K University Research %K Management %K Education %K Universalizaci車n %K Investigaci車n Universitaria %K Gesti車n %K Formaci車n %U http://revistas.ojs.es/index.php/didascalia/article/download/521/517