%0 Journal Article %T Ultrasonic Imaging of Ballistically Impacted Composite Armour %A S.S. Samant %A A. Joshi %A K.K.S. Mer %J International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering %D 2013 %I Institute for Research and Development India %X The ability of Kevlar-Polypropylene composite armour to withstand the impact of projectile (calibre 7.62 mm) is investigated using immersion type ultrasonic c- scan method. The Kevlar polypropylene composite laminate is made of 36 Kevlar and 74 polypropylene layers having thickness 20 mm and are subjected to bullet impact with different striking velocities. At each location of the probe ultrasonic features peak amplitude and signal amplitude are extracted from digitized data and stored in controlling PC. Using UPGMA clustering technique, c-scan images of impacted zones of Kevlar polypropylene composite plate has been generated. The extent of core damage zone in the laminates correlated to the impact velocities of projectile. It is observed that areas of core damage zone are found to increase with the energy loss of the bullet. The area of core damage zone increases rapidly in case of shot lodging. Also peak amplitude and signal energy features are more reliable and sensitive for evaluation of damage in composite laminates. %K Ultrasonic c-scan %K clustering technique %K feature extraction and composite armour. %U http://irdindia.in/Journal_IJTARME/PDF/Vol2_Iss4/16.pdf