%0 Journal Article %T O ANTIGO E O MODERNO NA CUIAB¨¢ DE ANTANHO EM MARPHYSA, DE DUNGA RODRIGUES %A Hilda Gomes Dutra Magalhaes %J DLCV : L¨ªngua, Lingu¨ªstica & Literatura %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal da Para¨ªba %X We aimed in this article, examine the tension between ancient and modern images of Cuiab¨¢ presented in the Marphysa book, by Dunga Rodrigues, published in 1981, but with the record of the customs of the capital of Mato Grosso at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the context of this study, the former refers to a pre-industrial society, knowledge and values attached to the quiet life in the interior of central Brazil. The modern refers to the innovations brought about by the modernization of Brazilian society in the early twentieth century, whose icons are represented mainly by the cultural life more hectic and the establishment of a new model of consumption, driven by the development of an industrial economy in the Pa¨ªs. In this analysis we see that cuiabana society approached by Rodrigues in Marphysa is the society that marks the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century, marked by the tensions between old and new, which attributed to the Capital of Mato Grosso one characteristic peculiar who seemed surreal paintings, incorporating the life of the city, often in strange and funny symbols of ancient and modern. %K Literature of Mato Grosso %K novelist of manners %K literary analysis %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/dclv/article/view/10620/7855