%0 Journal Article %T Religious TV Series: The Making of Popular Piety Culture in Indonesia %A Rianne Subijanto %J DIGITHUM %D 2009 %I Universitat Oberta de Catalunya %X A Indon¨¨sia, els anys posteriors a la caiguda del r¨¨gim de Suharto han estat marcats per una proliferaci¨® de la cultura devota popular en els mitjans de comunicaci¨®. Aquesta proliferaci¨® se situa en el context de la transici¨® pol¨ªtica d'un r¨¨gim autoritari a la democr¨¤cia, la industrialitzaci¨® dels mitjans de comunicaci¨® i la irrupci¨® de l'islam com una de les claus essencials per a entendre l'actual transformaci¨® en els ¨¤mbits pol¨ªtics, socials i culturals de la societat indon¨¨sia contempor¨¤nia. A grans trets, la meva tesi analitza el paper de l'islam en aquesta transformaci¨® i com la cultura popular n'ha format part integral. Per mitj¨¤ del cas pr¨¤ctic de la producci¨® d'una telenovel¡¤la religiosa, m'interessa explorar la complexitat que impregna les pr¨¤ctiques religioses quan el moviment de devoci¨® religiosa s'apropia dels mitjans de comunicaci¨® laics/capitalistes per a promoure el culte. En altres paraules, aquest article es pregunta el seg¨¹ent: quan la l¨°gica del moviment de devoci¨® religiosa i la l¨°gica de la ind¨²stria medi¨¤tica convergeixen, quin tipus de pr¨¤ctiques religioses i cinematogr¨¤fiques es mantenen, es negocien i es q¨¹estionen? Partint d'un marc metodol¨°gic basat en les teories sobre les pr¨¤ctiques medi¨¤tiques (Bourdieu, 1977 i 1993; Couldry, 2004; Hobart, propera aparici¨®; Rajagopal, 2001), he estructurat en dues dimensions la meva an¨¤lisi sobre com i per qu¨¨ es construeixen, ratifiquen i q¨¹estionen les pr¨¤ctiques i els est¨¤ndards: dimensi¨® interna (on-site) i dimensi¨® externa (off-site). In the last few years, Indonesia's post-Suharto's era has been marked by a proliferation of popular piety culture in the media. This proliferation is situated within the political transition from authoritarianism to democracy, the industrialization of media and the emergence of Islam as one of the important keys to unlocking the ongoing transformation of the political, social and cultural spheres of contemporary Indonesian society. My thesis, in general, is a study of the role of Islam in this transformation and how popular culture is an integral part of it. Through my study case of the production of a religious TV series, I want to explore the complexity that makes up religious practices when the piety movement takes up secular/capitalist media to further their movement. In other words, this paper asks: when the logic of the piety movement and the logic of the media industry converge, what kinds of practices in terms of religious practices and film-making practices are maintained, negotiated, and challenged? Building my methodological framework on theor %K popular culture %K Islam %K piety movement %K cultural producer %K Indonesia %U http://digithum.uoc.edu/ojs/index.php/digithum/article/view/n11_subijanto/n11_subijanto_eng