%0 Journal Article %T AS CA ADAS DE PEDRINHO E A CONSTRU O DE SIGNIFICADOS NO LEITOR INFANTOJUVENIL: UMA PESQUISA DE CAMPO %A Camila Cravo Matos %J DLCV : L¨ªngua, Lingu¨ªstica & Literatura %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal da Para¨ªba %X This work consisted in an initial discussion on the assumption of Reception Aesthetics and the Theory of the Effect. Main objective is intended to check the ethical and aesthetic effects on the public infantojuvenil awakened after reading the text of Monteiro Lobato ¡°The hunts Little Pete¡±, focusing specifically in the chapter called ¡®The assault of oz¡¯, Chapter characterized by the presence of racist terms . Proceeds to the field research with a group of readers, based on the above theories and analysis of children¡¯s cognitive development conducted by Jean Piaget. Through field research and analysis of questionnaires, it was not influencing of ethics and aesthetics of the literary text on the reading public. %K Monteiro Lobato %K Literature %K Aesthetics of Reception %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/dclv/article/view/10747/7073