%0 Journal Article %T EU RECEBERIA AS PIORES NOT¨ªCIAS DOS SEUS LINDOS L¨¢BIOS: FLASHS PO¨¦TICO-FOTOGR¨¢FICOS EM MOLDURAS %A Rachelina Sinfr£¿nio Lacerda %J DLCV : L¨ªngua, Lingu¨ªstica & Literatura %D 2010 %I Universidade Federal da Para¨ªba %X The following paper aims to examine the novel ¡°Eu Receberia as Piores Not¨ªcias dos Seus Lindos L¨¢bios¡±, of Mar al Aquino (2005), from the perspective of how such a narrative text can dialogue with other cultural texts from its own structural layout and significant, in which the race for pleasure and immediate satisfaction of desires are placed in dialogue averse stereotypes and poetically unpredictable. The clash between generations within the novel itself leads us toaddress the use of ¡°frames¡±, as comprising the semiotician Uspensky (1979). Generations in conflict reflected in the personal identities and social categorization, reverberating extra-literary which become elements intra-literary, through the language of narrative which, in turn, relies on natural representation for an ¡°intersemiotic translations¡± (PLAZA, 1987) in postmodern culture. %K Mar al Aquino %K intersemiotic translations %K frames %K Uspensky %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/dclv/article/view/4822/4758