%0 Journal Article %T LEARNING PROCESS OF THE DISCIPLINE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE AND TECHNIQUES ABSTRACT / LA COMPETENCIA ELABORAR PROGRAMAS INFORM¨¢TICOS DESDE EL PROCESO DE ENSE ANZA¨CAPRENDIZAJE DE LA DISCIPLINA LENGUAJE Y T¨¦CNICAS DE PROGRAMACI¨®N %A Sergio Mart¨ªnez Maillo %A Juan Luis Fari£¿as Almui£¿a %J Didasc@lia : Did¨¢ctica y Educaci¨®n %D 2012 %I Universidad de Las Tunas & Universidad de Ciencias Pedag¨®gicas de Granma %X This paper deals with the formation of the Bachelor in Education in the speciality of Informatics from a professional competence approach, departing from the teaching-learning process of the discipline Programming Language and Techniques. It is analysed the contribution of didactic principles for a competent professional, as well as the conceptual and procedimental basic that prepares them to solve the problems the face in their professional performance. %K competences %K principles %K Algorithm %K Techniques %K programming %U http://revistas.ojs.es/index.php/didascalia/article/download/632/612