%0 Journal Article %T THE IMPORTANCE OF THE WORK OF PROFESSIONAL'S CUBAN SPECIAL EDUCATION WORK IN THE SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS / SIGNIFICACI車N DE LA LABOR DE LOS PEDAGOGOS DE EDUCACI車N ESPECIAL CUBANA EN EL PROCESO DE INTEGRACI車N SOCIAL DE LAS PERSONAS CON NECESIDADES EDUCATIVAS ESPECIALES %A Nuris 芍vila Saint F谷lix %J Didasc@lia : Did芍ctica y Educaci車n %D 2012 %I Universidad de Las Tunas & Universidad de Ciencias Pedag車gicas de Granma %X In this work it is offered the author's ethical vision around the social importance of the professional's of Special Education work, starting from the professional exchange in diverse contexts and events scientist - pedagogic. It is directed essentially to stimulate in the degree a student in Special Education the love and respect to who guarantees the education of the generations of school with special educational necessities. Their treatment like teaching content in subjects of the curriculum of this career have contributed to elevate the motivation for the study of the same one, as well as to wake up the interest for the investigation student scientist in thematic related with the pedagogic acting of the teachers in the mark of the Special Education. ResumenEn este trabajo se ofrece la visi車n 谷tica de su autora en torno a la importancia social de la labor del profesional de Educaci車n Especial, a partir del intercambio profesional en diversos contextos y acontecimientos cient赤fico-pedag車gicos. Est芍 dirigido esencialmente a estimular en los estudiantes de licenciatura en Educaci車n Especial el amor y respeto a qui谷n garantiza la educaci車n de las generaciones de escolares con necesidades educativas especiales. Su tratamiento como contenido de ense anza en asignaturas del curr赤culum de dicha carrera ha contribuido a elevar la motivaci車n por el estudio de la misma, as赤 como a despertar el inter谷s por la investigaci車n cient赤fico estudiantil en tem芍ticas relacionadas con el desempe o pedag車gico de los maestros en el marco de la Educaci車n Especial. %K teacher %K especial education %K social integration %K pedagogo %K educaci車n especial %K integraci車n social %U http://revistas.ojs.es/index.php/didascalia/article/download/983