%0 Journal Article %T PEDAGOGICAL INVESTIGATION: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE MANAGEMENT ON TEACHERS* FORMATION FROM A SOCIO CULTURAL POINT OF VIEW / LA INVESTIGACI車N PEDAG車GICA: UN APORTE A LA GESTI車N DE LA FORMACI車N DOCENTE DESDE UN PUNTO DE VISTA SOCIO CULTURAL %A Yaritza Josefina Hilarraza %J Didasc@lia : Did芍ctica y Educaci車n %D 2012 %I Universidad de Las Tunas & Universidad de Ciencias Pedag車gicas de Granma %X Higher Education needs theories and methods to guarantee the teachers professional development as an investigator committed to his reality and able to apply transforming strategies close to the scientific way of the pedagogic process, uprising its principal relations and regularities and integrating in a coherent manner the best of the pedagogic thought to achieve the professional formation that actual social changes demand. Pedagogic investigation in teacher*s formation is due to a formation*s logic not only consisting in sharing preestablished knowledge on scientific investigation, but dedicated to investigate from theoretical and methodological dynamics of the systemic pedagogical work*s own specificity. Therefore, the university must create possibilities so that students investigate, create and transform what is established, but from their own professional culture. Pedagogic investigation process must run from the acknowledgment of the educative reality by means of the comprehension, explanation and methodological interpretation which synthesizes in the socio transforming management of the pedagogic investigation, from an integrated projection to establish an internal order upraising two essential moments which synthesizes the theoretical model; the management of the educative practice formation, and the instrumentation of pedagogical investigation. The model outcomes from the scientific results of a scientific investigative process emerging from a scientific problem shared in the teachers* formation in Cumanacoa, Municipio Montes del Estado Sucre, Venezuela context. %K Formation %K Investigation %K Education %K Teaching Process %K Pedagogy %K Formaci車n %K Investigaci車n %K Educaci車n %K Ense anza %K Pedagog赤a %U http://revistas.ojs.es/index.php/didascalia/article/download/510/520