%0 Journal Article %T WEBQUESTS: A TOOL TO INTRODUCE THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CLASSROOM / LAS WEBQUESTS: UNA HERRAMIENTA PARA INTRODUCIR LAS TECNOLOG赤AS DE LA INFORMACI車N Y LA COMUNICACI車N EN EL AULA %A Mar赤a Dolores Romero Ortiz %J Didasc@lia : Did芍ctica y Educaci車n %D 2012 %I Universidad de Las Tunas & Universidad de Ciencias Pedag車gicas de Granma %X The use and access to Information and Communication*s Technologies have proliferated in the present society. The Education has to be in permanent contact with social reality in which the pupils live immersed, reason why these technologies to the process of teaching-learning like means of approach to the pupils, motivation and optimization of the educational work have been gotten up. In this article we are going to try in particular, an ICT tool of easy handling and creation, already extended enough between the educative community, that will facilitate the learning by investigation of the pupil, the investigation, the creativity and the self-learning: webquest. %K ICT %K discovery learning %K self-instruction %K research %K taxonomy %K aprendizaje por descubrimiento %K autoaprendizaje %K investigaci車n %K taxonom赤a %U http://revistas.ojs.es/index.php/didascalia/article/download/534/527