%0 Journal Article %T Automatic creation of specialised multilingual dictionaries in new subject areas %A Joaquim Mor¨¦ %J DIGITHUM %D 2009 %I Universitat Oberta de Catalunya %X This article presents a tool to automatically generate specialised dictionaries of multilingual equivalents in new subject areas. The tool uses resources that are available on the web to search for equivalents and verify their reliability. These resources are, on the one hand, the Wikipedias, which can be freely downloaded and processed, and, on the other, the materials that terminological institutions of reference make available. This tool is of use to teachers producing teaching materials and researchers preparing theses, articles or reference manuals. It is also of use to translators and terminologists working on terminological standardisation in a new subject area in a given language, as it helps them in their work to pinpoint concepts that have yet to receive a standardised denomination. %K automatic creation of multilingual dictionaries %K Wikipedia %K new subject areas %K terminological standardisation %K reliability of the information %U http://digithum.uoc.edu/ojs/index.php/digithum/article/view/n11_more/n11_more