%0 Journal Article %T Los c¨Ždigos QR invaden los foros de discusi¨Žn %A Mercedes Leticia S¨˘nchez Ambriz %J Did¨˘ctica, Innovaci¨Žn y Multimedia : DIM %D 2013 %I Universitat Aut¨°noma de Barcelona %X They summarize: In this communication, is explained the work that is developing, in using the bidimensionalidad as way of communication in the electronic forums, with the aim to promote and strengthen the critical reading of the participants of postdegree of the Latin-American Institute of the Educational Communication (ILCE). Concretely, one presents the use of code QR as strategy to share the summaries of the requested texts, besides the reflections and feedback between them, in only 140 characters.The article is organized in four general paragraphs. First, one presents the State of Art of the object of study, in which, from a bibliographical review, there is defined the concept of critical reading and the use of code QR as a didactic resource. In the second paragraph explains the experience realized with pupils of the module of Education distantly, sustained in the beginning that Paul and Elder (2003) who propose for the development of the critical thought eight steps. The third party mentions the methodology and procedure for the compilation of information. In the quarter, one presents development of the experience and finally, there are exposed the conclusions extracted from the analysis of the information, where there is verified the importance of the use of codes QR for the development of the critical reading. Is outlined the process of chaos, uncertainty and acceptance through that there lived the pupils, who had never used this resource and even they had never translated a code. %K critical reading %K electronic forums %K learning strategies %K QR code %K collaborative work %U http://dim.pangea.org/revistaDIM25/docs/AR25codigosqrmercedesleticia-OK.pdf