%0 Journal Article %T LA INSTANCIA METAFICCIONAL Y LA SUBJETIVIDAD EN PASTORAL AMERICANA DE PHILIP ROTH METAFICTION AND SUBJECTIVITY IN AMERICAN PASTORAL BY PHILIP ROTH %A Yasm赤n L車pez Alzate %J 赤kala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura %D 2012 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X Inicialmente, el art赤culo propone una divisi車n de Pastoral Americana en dos niveles narrativos en donde se despliega la vida del personaje principal, el nivel de la di谷gesis y el de la metadi谷gesis. A continuaci車n, se hace un inventario de varios recursos metaficcionales de la novela, enfatizando en el de la reorganizaci車n de niveles narrativos. A partir de dicha divisi車n, se analiza Pastoral Americana como una novela que, mediante el uso de la metaficci車n, reconstruye y problematiza la subjetividad del personaje principal de la di谷gesis. Con base en el punto de inflexi車n metaficcional, se establece un paralelo entre la identidad del personaje principal en la di谷gesis y en la metadi谷gesis. A modo de conclusi車n, se enuncian algunos posibles sentidos de dicho replanteamiento metaficcional de la subjetividad en Pastoral Americana: como marcador del car芍cter ficcional del texto, como estrategia narrativa fundamental y como se alamiento de la literatura como forma de conocimiento intersubjetivo. American Pastoral is proposed in this article as consisting of two narrative levels in which the life of the main character is deployed, that is a diegetic level and metadiegetic level. Then, various metafictional resources are analysed, particularly a reorganization of narrative levels. On the basis of the proposed division, the article explores American Pastoral as a novel which, through the use of metafiction, reconstructs and challenges the subjectivity of the main character set out in the diegesis. Based on the metafictional turning point, a parallel is then established between the main character's identity both in the diegesis and in the metadiegesis. To conclude, several implications of such metafictional reframing of subjectivity in American Pastoral are proposed: as a marker of the text construed character, as a major narrative strategy and as an element underlying literature as a form of intersubjective knowledge. %K metaficci車n %K subjetividad %K di谷gesis %K metadi谷gesis %K niveles narrativos %K metafiction %K subjectivity %K diegesis %K metadiegesis %K narrative levels %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0123-34322012000300005