%0 Journal Article %T Dendroecological research in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands affected by abnormal decline phenomena from Dragomirna plateau, Suceava county, Romania %A C£¿t£¿lin-Constantin Roibu %A Alexei Savin %A Bogdan M. Negrea %A Florin C. Barbir %J Advances in Agriculture & Botanics %D 2011 %I %X This paper approaches the subject thought evolution of radial growth of the trees in thestudied stand. We also discuss about the influence of climatic parameters (temperature andprecipitations) on the physiological regress. The study was conducted in the Dragomirna plateau, a partof Suceava Plateau (B c uanu 1980) in beech stands affected by phenomena of abnormal dying. In orderto asses growth loss, obtained datas was compared with a control tree stand with normal gowth. In orderto obtain dendrocronological series and to assess climat-tree conections were used COFECHA (Holmes1983; Cook & Peters 1997) TSAPwin v.3.0 (Rinn 2005), ARSTAN (Grissino-Mayer et al 1996),DendroClim 2002 (Biondi & Waikul 2004) software. %K growth %K growth ring %K beech stand %K climate %K the dying phenomenon %U http://www.aab.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2011.3.139-150.pdf