%0 Journal Article %T Anaphylaxis and Status Asthmaticus after Omalizumab Injection %A Mehmet Gencer %A Zafer Hasan Ali Sak %A Funda Yal£¿£¿n %A Harun Aydo£¿an %J Turk Toraks Dergisi %D 2013 %I Aves Yayincilik %X The importance of the role of inflammation in allergic asthma and IgE has been better understood in recent years. Omalizumab is an anti IgE antibody which has demonstrated efficacy among patients with moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma, whose symptoms are inadequately controlled with other agents. This therapy is generally well tolerated but has a potentially life-threatening risk of anaphylaxis. In this case report we aimed to emphasize the mechanism, management and preventive precautions in omalizumab associated anaphylaxis. %K Omalizumab %K anaphylaxis %K status asthmaticus %U http://toraks.dergisi.org/content.php3?id=71#a866