%0 Journal Article %T The Neuro-Complex: Some Comments and Convergences %A Simon J. Williams %A Stephen Katz %A Paul Martin %J MediaTropes %D 2011 %I University of Toronto Libraries %X In this short think-piece we trace the newly emerging and rapidly expanding dimensions and dynamics of the ˇ°neuro-complex.ˇ± What this amounts to, we suggest, are a series of bio or neuro ˇ°convergencesˇ± of sorts regarding the brain and mental worlds, which in turn are traceable through what we term the bio-psych, pharma-psych, subjectivity-selves, wellness-enhancement, and the neuroculture-neurofutures relational nexuses. These issues are then illustrated through two brief case studies regarding brain scanning technologies and the problems and prospects of cognitive enhancement. The paper concludes with some final reflections on these matters and a call for further research in this rich and challenging domain as the neuro-complex continues to expand in expected and unexpected, yet equally rich and fascinating, ways. %K neuro %K brain %K culture %K science %K technology %K politics %K bio-convergence %K bioconvergence %U http://www.mediatropes.com/index.php/Mediatropes/article/view/15752