%0 Journal Article %T A RARE CASE OF EARLY URETHRAL OBSTRUCTION SEQUENCE %A Gaurav Garg %A S. Krishna %A Dhiraj Shedabale %A K.C. Jain %J Pravara Medical Review %D 2009 %I Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Loni %X Early urethral obstruction is most commonly the consequence of urethral valve formation during the development of prostatic urethra. Less commonly, it is due to urethral atresia, bladder neck obstructionor distal urethral obstruction. A rare case delivered at Pravara Rural Hospital ,Loni with bilateral hydronephrosis with imperforated anus, undescended testis and unilateral Congenital Talipes EquinoVarus. Child underwent Exploratory Laparotomy with descending loop colostomy and bilateral nephrostomy. %K Urethral obstruction %K Prune-Belly %K Hydronephrosis %U http://www.pravara.com/pmr/pmr-4-1-8.pdf