%0 Journal Article %T Die kerklied en kommunikasie deur woord en melodie %A Jacoba H. van Rooy %J In die Skriflig %D 2013 %I AOSIS OpenJournals %R 10.4102/ids.v47i1.82 %X ĄŻn Vraag wat min gestel word in die beoordeling van die funksie van gemeentelike sang is die vraag na die wisselwerking tussen die liedteks en die melodie. Hierdie wisselwerking speel ĄŻn groot rol in die kommunikasie deur die lied in die erediens. In hierdie artikel word gelet op Skrifgegewens wat van toepassing is, op enkele perspektiewe uit die kerkgeskiedenis en op teoretiese aspekte van die kerklied en kommunikasie. Sekere sake uit ĄŻn empiriese ondersoek, toegespits op die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (GKSA), lig die saak verder toe. Predikante het ĄŻn besondere verantwoordelikheid om die kommunikasiemoontlikhede deur die kerklied te bevorder deur ĄŻn verantwoorde keuse van liedere wat gesing word, die uitbreiding van ĄŻn gemeenterepertorium, sinvolle samewerking met die orrelis en toeligting van die liedkeuses. The hymn and communication through word and melody. The interaction between the melody and the words of a hymn is not regularly taken into account in evaluating the function of congregational singing. This interaction is, however, very important for the communication effected by a hymn during a service. This article discusses Scriptural data important for this topic, some perspectives from church history and theoretical aspects of communication through hymns. Data from an empirical investigation directed at the Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA) sheds light on this topic. Ministers of religion have a special responsibility to enhance the possibilities of communication through hymns by their selection of hymns, the broadening of the repertoire of a congregation, meaningful cooperation with the organist and explaining the choice of hymns. %K Communication %K Church service %K Music %K Hymn %K Hymn text %U http://www.indieskriflig.org.za/index.php/skriflig/article/view/82