%0 Journal Article %T K¨šresel, ok ¨šlkeli ocukluk d nemi kas ts z yaralanmalar s¨šrveyans al mas %A Mustafa Soner YŖŋlmaz %A Birg¨šl Piyal %J Turkish Journal of Public Health %D 2011 %I Turkish Society of Public Health Specialists %R 10.5421/tjph.v9i1.4 %X zet D¨šnya Sa l k rg¨št¨š ve Birle mi Milletler ocuk FonuĄ¯nun bir raporuna (2008) g re, her g¨šn 2000Ą¯den fazla ocuk, kas ts z ya da kaza ile yaralanmalar sonucu lmekte ve d¨šnya genelinde her y l milyonlarca ocuk genellikle kendilerini ya am boyu engelli b rakacak kaza ve yaralanmalar dolay s yla hastaneye kald r lmaktad r. ocuk Yaralanmalar n n nlenmesi D¨šnya Raporu; ocukluk d neminde meydana gelen kazalarla ilgili kapsaml , ilk k¨šresel de erlendirme niteli indeki rapor olup, bu t¨šr yaralanmalar n nlenmesinin yollar na da at fta bulunmaktad r. Raporda ula lan sonuca g re, her yerde etkisi kan tlanm nlemlere ba vurulmas halinde, her g¨šn en az 1000 ocu un ya am kurtar labilir. Bu derleme ile zellikle d¨š ¨šk ve orta gelirli ¨šlkelerde nemli bir y¨šk olu turan ocukluk d nemi kas ts z yaralanmalar na y nelik nc¨šl al malar n zetlenmesi ama lanmaktad r. Anahtar kelimeler: ocuk yaralanmalar , ocukluk d nemi kas ts z yaralanmalar, ocukluk d nemi kazalar Abstract More than 2000 children die every day as a result of unintentional or accidental injuries. Worldwide every year tens of millions more are taken to hospitals with injuries that often leave them with lifelong disabilities, according to a report by World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The World report on child injury prevention provides the first comprehensive global assessment of unintentional childhood injuries and prescribes measures to prevent them. It concludes that if proven prevention measures were adopted everywhere at least 1000 childrenĄ¯s lives could be saved every day. The purpose of the gathering reported here is to summarize leading studies related to unintentional injuries of childhood that cause a great burden especially in middle and low income countries. Keywords: Child injuries, unintentional injuries of childhood, accidents of childhood %U http://tjph.org/ojs/index.php/TJPH/article/view/4