%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯inventaire ¨¤ l¡¯ le de la R¨¦union %A Sylvie R¨¦ol %A Erik Zeimert %J In Situ : Revue de Patrimoines %D 2012 %I Minist¨¨re de la Culture et de la Communication %R 10.4000/insitu.1617 %X Un pr¨¦¨Cinventaire de la R¨¦union, portant uniquement sur l¡¯architecture, a ¨¦t¨¦ r¨¦alis¨¦ en 1976. Il a donn¨¦ lieu ¨¤ 700 notices et 5 000 photographies. Le service du patrimoine au sein de la DRAC privil¨¦gie aujourd¡¯hui une approche th¨¦matique en vue de constituer la carte r¨¦gionale du patrimoine de la R¨¦union, o¨´ seront port¨¦s les jardins remarquables de l¡¯ le, les ¨¦l¨¦ments du patrimoine industriel, les ¨¦difices domestiques et commerciaux traditionnels, les ¨¦difices cultuels, les ponts et les ouvrages d¡¯art, ainsi que des informations r¨¦unies dans le cadre de l¡¯¨¦tude urbaine de Saint¨CDenis. A preliminary heritage inventory in the Reunion was undertaken in 1976, but was concerned only with the architectural heritage. It generated 700 notices and 5 000 photographs. The heritage department of the DRAC (Regional service for cultural affairs) now favours a more thematic approach in order to draw up a heritage map of the Reunion, where the typical gardens of the island will be recorded, as well as the industrial heritage, traditional private and commercial buildings, churches, bridges and work of art, as well as other information gathered during the urban study of Saint¨CDenis. %K architectural heritage %K urbanisme %K inventaire du patrimoine %K Ile de la R¨¦union %K architecture civile %K architecture industrielle %U http://insitu.revues.org/1617