%0 Journal Article %T Mani¨¨re d¡¯habiter ¨¤ Awala-Yalimapo %A Marie-Blanche Potte %J In Situ : Revue de Patrimoines %D 2012 %I Minist¨¨re de la Culture et de la Communication %R 10.4000/insitu.1283 %X La commune d¡¯Awala¨CYalimapo, cr¨¦¨¦e en 1988, est situ¨¦e en Guyane fran aise. Peupl¨¦e de Kali¡¯na, peuple am¨¦rindien autochtone du littoral amazonien, elle affiche grace aux carbets une identit¨¦ forte. L¨¤ o¨´ beaucoup d¡¯autres zones am¨¦rindiennes de la Guyane fran aise ont ¨¦t¨¦ amen¨¦es ¨¤ abandonner l¡¯architecture traditionnelle et l¡¯emploi des couvertures v¨¦g¨¦tales, leur maintien ici permet de saisir non seulement les modes de construction, mais aussi un mode de vie, une organisation sociale, un rythme de la journ¨¦e. La carbet abrite la culture des Kali¡¯na, leur identit¨¦, leur actualit¨¦, et leurs choix au quotidien. ¡°Ways of life in Awala ¨CYalimapo¡±. The town of Awala¨CYalimapo, founded in 1998, is located in French Guyana. Inhabited by Kali¡¯nas indigenous Amerindians from the Amazonian coast, it has a strong cultural identity thanks to its famous ¡°carbet¡±. Many other Amerindian areas of French Guyana had traditional buildings with vegetal roofing, but the fact that they have been conserved here allows us to understand the way they were built as well as the specific lifestyles associated with them in terms of social organisation and daily rhythms. The ¡°carbet¡± is a shelter for the Kali¡¯na¡¯s culture, their identity, their daily way of life. %K architecture domestique %K Guyane fran aise %K Amerindien %K Kali'na %K habitat %K carbet %U http://insitu.revues.org/1283