%0 Journal Article %T Drinking water quality assessment of rural wells from Aiud Area %A Diana I. C£żlin %A Cristina Ro£żu %J Advances in Environmental Sciences %D 2011 %I Bioflux Society %X The present paper presents the assessment of physico-chemical quality of drinking watercoming from rural wells of Aiud area (villages: M gina, Livezile, Poiana Aiudului, V li oara). Water qualitywas evaluated through a research project conducted over a period of eight months (October 2009 - May2010). It consisted of a monthly monitoring of water physico-chemical characteristics of 27 drinking wellsfrom the villages mentioned above. There were monitored monthly in the laboratory the followingparameters: pH, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids,salinity, using WTW Multi-parameter inolab 720. In April and May, at the parameters mentioned abovewere added chemical measurements for the following indicators: Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO4 2->, NO3 -, PO4 3-,HCO3 -, which analysis were performed with Dionex Ion Chromatograph System 2100. The results of thechemical analysis were processed using the following methods: linear regression, Pearson correlationcoefficient (r) and water quality index (WQI). This monitoring project was initiated from the premise of aproblematic quality of well waters, based on the well known contamination vulnerability of the drinkingwater in Romania, but the results of this study proved the opposite: the water from the monitored wellshad a proper quality for drinking %K underground water %K well water %K water quality index %K drinking water %U http://www.aes.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2011.3.108-122.pdf?AdobeSystemsPDFv17=9bd8052f352c2590fc753fb4e0036b1440840f00|1317986912#PDFP