%0 Journal Article %T Brian on, ville neuve %A Elisabeth Sauze %J In Situ : Revue de Patrimoines %D 2012 %I Minist¨¨re de la Culture et de la Communication %R 10.4000/insitu.8555 %X La trame orthogonale du plan de Brian on, d¡¯autant plus ¨¦tonnante qu¡¯elle se d¨¦ploie sur un site en forte pente, a ¨¦t¨¦ successivement consid¨¦r¨¦e comme un h¨¦ritage du vicus antique et comme une cons¨¦quence des reconstructions qui ont suivi les incendies de 1624 et de 1692. Divers t¨¦moignages permettent de situer l¡¯agglom¨¦ration antique dans le quartier rural du L¨¦orat et l¡¯¨¦tude de plusieurs pi¨¨ces des archives communales confirme que le parcellaire existait tel que nous le voyons au milieu du XIVe si¨¨cle. La ville correspond en fait ¨¤ un bourg marchand cr¨¦¨¦ entre 1196 et 1228 en contrebas du castrum perch¨¦ sur le sommet. The orthogonal layout of the city of Brian on is astonishing when the city¡¯s location, on a steep mountain slope, is considered. This layout has been seen as an inheritance of the antique vicus or, alternatively, as a consequence of reconstruction work which followed the fires of 1624 and 1692. Different sources allow us to locate the antique settlement in the rural quarter of the L¨¦orat. The examination of several documents held by the municipal archives reveal that the pattern of land division that is still legible today already existed towards the middle of the fourteenth century. The city in fact corresponds with a market town created between 1196 and 1228 beneath the castrum perched on the summit. %K land division %K parcellaire %K fortification %K habitat %K plan d¡¯urbanisme %K cadastre %K alignement %K Brian on %K ville neuve %K Durance %K Guisane %K Cerveyrette %K Alpes %K porte M¨¦ane %K incendie %K castrum %K dauphin %K bourg %U http://insitu.revues.org/8555