%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯inventaire et le patrimoine de l¡¯astronomie : l¡¯exemple des cercles m¨¦ridiens et de leurs abris %A Fran£¿oise Le Guet-Tully %A Jean Davoigneau %J In Situ : Revue de Patrimoines %D 2012 %I Minist¨¨re de la Culture et de la Communication %R 10.4000/insitu.9177 %X Con u au d¨¦but du XVIIIe si¨¨cle, le cercle m¨¦ridien commence v¨¦ritablement ¨¤ ¨¦quiper les observatoires astronomiques seulement vers 1850. Il devient alors rapidement un instrument indispensable ¨¤ l¡¯astronomie de position et son usage intensif durera plus d¡¯un si¨¨cle. A l¡¯occasion de l¡¯op¨¦ration d¡¯inventaire du patrimoine astronomique entreprise r¨¦cemment dans le cadre d¡¯un protocole entre les minist¨¨res de la Culture et de la Recherche, nous avons ¨¦tudi¨¦ onze de ces instruments ainsi que l¡¯architecture des abris techniques qui les prot¨¨gent. Although it was first designed at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the meridian circle only really began to equip astronomical observatories around 1850. It rapidly became an essential instrument for positional astronomy and its intense use lasted for more than a century. A recent inventory of France's heritage of astronomical instruments and sites, carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Research, offered the chance to study eleven of these instruments, along with the architectural and technical aspects of the buildings which house them. %K Bordeaux %K Paris %K inventory %K Toulouse %K Fran ois Arago %K Paul Gautier %K scientific heritage %K scientific architecture %K observatory %K astronomy %K positional astronomy %K scientific instrument %K transit circle %K transit instrument %K transit telescope %K meridian circle house %K instrument shelter %K meridian mark %K Algiers %K Besan on %K Greenwich %K Hendaye %K Lyons %K Marseilles %K Nice %K Pulkovo %K Strasburg %K Washington DC %K Antoine d¡¯Abbadie %K George Airy %K Rapha l Bischoffsheim %K Emile Brunner %K L¨¦on Brunner %U http://insitu.revues.org/9177