%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯identification d¡¯un ensemble urbain du XX¨¨me si¨¨cle en Egypte : H¨¦liopolis, Le Caire %A Mercedes Volait %A Claudine Piaton %J In Situ : Revue de Patrimoines %D 2012 %I Minist¨¨re de la Culture et de la Communication %R 10.4000/insitu.1267 %X H¨¦liopolis, ville nouvelle cr¨¦¨¦e en 1906 ¨¤ dix kilom¨¨tres du centre du Caire, ¨¤ l¡¯initiative du baron Edouard Empain et de son associ¨¦ l¡¯ing¨¦nieur Boghos Nubar pacha, a fait l¡¯objet de 1997 ¨¤ 2001 d¡¯une ¨¦tude de ses ressources patrimoniales conduite par le laboratoire URBAMA ¨¤ Tours. L¡¯¨¦tude s¡¯est d¨¦roul¨¦e en deux temps, une premi¨¨re phase exploratoire visant ¨¤ proposer des ¨¦l¨¦ments de doctrine concernant la requalification de l¡¯espace public en prenant en compte l¡¯effet attendu sur la restauration des ¨¦difices priv¨¦s et une phase d¡¯approfondissement dont les r¨¦sultats sont accessibles ¨¤ partir d¡¯un syst¨¨me d¡¯information g¨¦ographique (SIG), ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦chelle de la parcelle et du bati. Le p¨¦rim¨¨tre de l¡¯¨¦tude s¡¯¨¦tend sur 280 Ha environ et concerne 2000 ¨¦difices composant le noyau historique du quartier ancien. From 1997 to 2001, Heliopolis ¨C a town situated ten kilometres from Cairo, founded in 1906, at the instigation of Baron Edouard Empain and his associate, an engineer named Boghos Nubar pacha ¨C was at the centre of a study project dealing with the local heritage, and led by URBAMA laboratory in Tours. The survey took place in two stages: first a preliminary research phase concerned with providing outlines for the requalification of public spaces in view of the expected impact on the restoration of private buildings; then, a further study, the results of which will be available by means of a geographical information system (GIS), to the scale of each plot and building. The study will be concerned with a 280¨Chectare area comprising some 2 000 buildings which constitute the historical heart of the old town. %K urbanisme %K inventaire du patrimoine %K Egypte %K Le Caire %U http://insitu.revues.org/1267