%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯architecture en pis¨¦ dans le canton de Bo n (Loire) %A Caroline Guibaud %J In Situ : Revue de Patrimoines %D 2012 %I Minist¨¨re de la Culture et de la Communication %R 10.4000/insitu.8307 %X Le pis¨¦ est une technique de construction qui utilise de la terre tass¨¦e dans des moules appel¨¦s formes. Sa mise en uvre a ¨¦t¨¦ ¨¦tudi¨¦e dans le canton de Bo n en Forez (Loire) lors d¡¯une op¨¦ration d¡¯inventaire topographique. Dans les zones o¨´ l¡¯environnement g¨¦ologique s¡¯y pr¨ºte, ce mat¨¦riau a ¨¦t¨¦ utilis¨¦ pour tous les types d¡¯¨¦difices : ¨¦glises, chateaux, maisons, fermes et ¨¦dicules. Les exemples les plus anciens subsistants datent du XIIIe si¨¨cle (mais on sait que le pis¨¦ est connu depuis l¡¯Antiquit¨¦). Les exemples dat¨¦s montrent l¡¯¨¦volution de cette technique du XVIe au XVIIIe si¨¨cle et sa stabilisation, contemporaine de la parution des ¨¦crits de l¡¯architecte Fran ois Cointereaux. Le pis¨¦ traditionnel atteint une certaine perfection technique au XIXe si¨¨cle, avant d¡¯¨ºtre abandonn¨¦ apr¨¨s 1950. Les pis¨¦s modernes (apr¨¨s 1980) s¡¯en inspirent, mais avec des m¨¦thodes de construction m¨¦canis¨¦es. Pis¨¦, known as cobwork in English, is a building material which uses rammed earth shaped between two parallel frames called forms. The use of this material in the buildings of the canton of Bo n-en-Forez (Loire) was studied during a survey of the architecture of this territory. Where geological conditions were favourable, this material could be used for all sorts of buildings: churches, chateaux, houses, farms and their outbuildings. The oldest surviving examples date from the thirteenth century, although pis¨¦ is known to have been used in classical antiquity. The pis¨¦ buildings which can be dated show how the use of the material evolved from the sixteenth century to the eighteenth and how this use achieved certain stability around the time of the architect Fran ois Cointereaux, writing in 1790. Traditional pis¨¦ construction reached technical maturity during the nineteenth century but was abandoned after the 1950s. Contemporary pis¨¦ buildings, after 1980, are still inspired by traditional techniques but use mechanical construction processes. %K Cobwork %K Moyen ge %K architecture religieuse %K chateau %K architecture domestique %K ¨¦glise %K architecture rurale %K ferme %K pigeonnier %K grange %K mat¨¦riau %K terre %K pis¨¦ %K technique %K Bo n %K Forez %K Marcilly %K Montverdun %K Loire %K Sainte-Agathe-la-Bouteresse %K Marcilly-le-Chatel %K Sainte-Foy-Saint-Sulpice %K Saint-Etienne-le-Molard %K Montbrison %K Arthun %K Champdieu %K machefer %K Cointereaux %K Bastie d¡¯Urf¨¦ %K boutasse %K banche %K chaux %K coffrage %K chateau de Chabet %K chateau de Vaugirard %K chateau de Beauvoir %U http://insitu.revues.org/8307