%0 Journal Article %T The situation of Centaurea marschalliana Spreng. (Asteraceae: Centaureinae) population from ˇ°Movila lui Burcelˇ± natural reserve (Vaslui county, Romania) and the negative impact in this protected area of religious buildings raised up inside the site %A Emilian I. Pricop %A Bogdan M. Negrea %A Iulian Gherghel %A Irinel E. Popescu %J Advances in Environmental Sciences %D 2010 %I Bioflux Society %X The aim of this study is to present the additional information on the taxonomy, biology,ecology of C. marschalliana in Romania and the population status from ˇ°Movila lui Burcelˇ± naturalreserve. We present also the negative impact of religious buildings rised up inside this protected area. %K Steppe plant species %K Centaurea marschalliana %K natural reserve %K negative human impact %K ˇ°Movila lui Burcelˇ± %U http://www.aes.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2010.2.91-96.pdf