%0 Journal Article %T EL CONSENTIMIENTO HIPOT¨¦TICO DE LA V¨ªCTIMA EN EL DERECHO PENAL ALEM¨¢N HYPOTHETICAL CONSENT OF THE VICTIM IN GERMAN CRIMINAL LAW %A Andr¨¦s Schlack M. %J Revista de Derecho (Coquimbo) %D 2012 %I Universidad Cat¨®lica del Norte %X El presente art¨ªculo examina la figura jur¨ªdica del as¨ª denominado "consentimiento hipot¨¦tico" de la v¨ªctima, introducida en la jurisprudencia penal reciente del Tribunal Supremo Federal alem¨¢n (BGH) y que ha recibido aplicaci¨®n en casos de intervenciones m¨¦dicas con fines curativos realizadas sin el consentimiento informado del paciente. En tales casos, el BGH ha negado la responsabilidad penal del m¨¦dico por el delito de lesiones, de comprobarse que el paciente, de haber sido debidamente informado, hubiera consentido previamente en la intervenci¨®n realizada. Se examina asimismo la recepci¨®n de esta igura por una parte de la doctrina alemana y se exponen inalmente los fundamentos que, a juicio del autor, deben conducir a su rechazo. This article examines the legal concept of the so-called "hypothetical consent" of the victim, introduced in the recent criminal jurisprudence of the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) and it has received application in cases of medical interventions with healing purposes made without the informed consent of the patient. In such cases, the BGH has denied criminal liability of the doctor for the crime of medical injury, after probing that the patient was duly informed and the patient had previously consented to the intervention. It also examines the reception of this igure as part of the German doctrine and inally the fundaments that lead to its rejection, according to the author's judgments. %K Consentimiento hipot¨¦tico %K actividad m¨¦dica %K imputaci¨®n objetiva %K autonom¨ªa del paciente %K consentimiento presunto %K Hypothetical consent %K medical activity %K objective imputation %K patient autonomy %K presumed consent %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-97532012000200009