%0 Journal Article %T Monumentalizing and recording the city, a modern contribution to knowledge %A Vega %A Jesusa %J Revista de Dialectolog赤a y Tradiciones Populares %D 2011 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient赤ficas %X At the turn of the 19th Century the camera obscura was a fundamental machine both in the design of early photographic cameras and in the continuity of ways of seeing. Thus, the groundwork for the advent of photography was laid during the Enlightenment; in terms of the objective 〞that of fixing an image of the visible world〞 there was no real break between the 18th and the 19th century. Closely related to the camera obscura was the &optique*, also known in England as the Zograscope. An international market for prints was established and the most successful images were views of cities and monuments. Among these prints there were those which depicted Spain. En el cambio del siglo, del XVIII al XIX, la c芍mara oscura se constituy車 como una m芍quina fundamental tanto en lo que respecta al dise o de las primeras c芍maras fotogr芍ficas como en la continuidad de la manera de ver. En consecuencia, las bases para la recepci車n de la fotograf赤a se establecieron en el periodo ilustrado, de modo que en el objetivo de fijar la imagen de la c芍mara oscura no existi車 ninguna ruptura. Estrechamente relacionado con la c芍mara oscura estaba el &caj車n 車ptico*; se estableci車 un mercado internacional de estampas y las im芍genes de mayor 谷xito fueron las vistas de ciudades y monumentos. Entre esas estampas se encontraban las que mostraban a Espa a. %K Camera Obscura %K Zograscope %K Perspective Views %K 18th Century %K Spain %K C芍mara oscura %K Caj車n 車ptico %K Vistas %K Siglo XVIII %K Espa a %U http://rdtp.revistas.csic.es/index.php/rdtp/article/view/250/250