%0 Journal Article %T Osteomalacia por tumor secretor de FGF-23 Ostemalacia due to a tumor secreting FGF-23 %A Ariel S芍nchez %A Alejandro Castiglioni %A Nicol芍s C車ccaro %A Roberto Silva %J Medicina (Buenos Aires) %D 2013 %I Fundaci車n Revista Medicina %X Se presenta un caso de osteomalacia oncog谷nica en un var車n de 50 a os, con fuertes dolores 車seos y gran debilidad muscular durante 4 a os. Ten赤a varias deformidades vertebrales dorsales en cu a, fracturas en ambas ramas iliopubianas y en una rama isquiopubiana, y una zona de Looser en la meseta tibial derecha. Se localiz車 un tumor de 2 cm de di芍metro en el hueco popl赤teo derecho mediante centellograma con octre車tido marcado con tecnecio. El tumor fue extirpado quir迆rgicamente. La microscop赤a mostr車 un tumor mesenquim芍tico fosfat迆rico, de tejido conectivo mixto. La inmunotinci車n demostr車 FGF-23. Hubo r芍pida mejor赤a, con consolidaci車n de las fracturas pelvianas y de la pseudofractura tibial y normalizaci車n de las alteraciones bioqu赤micas. A case of oncogenic osteomalacia in a 50-year-old male is here presented. He suffered severe bone pain and marked muscular weakness of 4 years' duration. There were several vertebral deformities in the thoracic spine, bilateral fractures of the iliopubic branches, another fracture in the left ischiopubic branch, and a Looser's zone in the right proximal tibia. An octreotide-Tc scan allowed to identify a small tumor in the posterior aspect of the right knee. It was surgically removed. Microscopically, it was a phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor-mixed connective tissue (PMT-MCT). Expression of FGF-23 was documented by immune-peroxidase staining. There was rapid improvement, with consolidation of the pelvic fractures and the tibial pseudo-fracture. The laboratory values returned to normal. %K Osteomalacia oncog谷nica %K Osteomalacia inducida por tumor %K Hipofosfatemia %K Tumores mesenquim芍ticos fosfat迆ricos %K FGF-23 %K Oncogenic osteomalacia %K Tumor-induced osteomalacia %K Hypophosphatemia %K Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors %K FGF-23 %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0025-76802013000100009