%0 Journal Article %T BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND THE PRIVATE: FOR A REDISCUSSION OF ¡°STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE PUBLIC SPHERE¡± %A Luiz Paulo Rouanet %A Wilson Levy %J Problemata : International Journal of Philosophy %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal da Para¨ªba %R 10.7443/problemata.v3i2.14955 %X This article aims to discuss, in occasion of celebration of 50 years of the book The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, by J¨¹rgen Habermas, the relevance of the category of public sphere, at the light of the initial research promoted by the German philosopher, either from their interlocutors, as John Rawls and other theoretical frameworks, with particular emphasis on Axel Honneth. The purpose is, therefore, to render homage to the thinker, permanent voice in the debates of his time, as well as deepen the reflections initiated by him on the subject. It is expected as a result to demonstrate the relevance of the work under discussion, as well as to bring new elements to its understanding. O presente artigo pretende discutir, no ensejo do anivers¨¢rio da obra Mudan a Estrutural da Esfera P¨²blica, de J¨¹rgen Habermas, a atualidade da categoria de esfera p¨²blica, seja ¨¤ luz da investiga o inicial promovida pelo fil¨®sofo alem o, seja a partir de seus interlocutores, como John Rawls e de outros referenciais te¨®ricos, com especial ¨ºnfase em Axel Honneth. Objetiva-se, com isso, render justa homenagem ao pensador, voz permanente nos debates de seu tempo, al¨¦m de aprofundar as reflex es por ele iniciadas acerca desse tema. Espera-se, como resultado, demonstrar a atualidade da obra em discuss o, bem como trazer novos elementos para sua compreens o. %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/problemata/article/view/14955