%0 Journal Article %T EL TURISMO COMO ESTRATEGIA DE DESARROLLO RURAL SOSTENIBLE. LOS PARQUES NATURALES ANDALUCES %A David Flores Ruiz %A Ma de la O Barroso Gonz¨˘lez %J Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda ¨¦poca %D 2012 %I Universidad de Ja¨¦n %X This paper analyzes the role of the rural tourism and nature tourism as strategy that it can contribute to sustainable development in rural backward regions. First, we analyze the relations between tourism and rural development from a theoretical point of view. Later, we analyze the strategy that follows Andalusia to promote the tourism in its natural protected spaces and, more concretely, in its nature reserves in order to promote processes of sustainable development in these territories. %K tourism %K rural tourism %K sustainable tourism %K rural development %U http://revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es/index.php/REE/article/view/649/659