%0 Journal Article %T Evaluation on the implementation of projects specific for the elderly: the performance of the family health program %A Adriana Arruda Barbosa %A Giselle Pinheiro Lima Aires Gomes %A Thammy Rodrigues Ara¨˛jo Reis %A Ivandra Mari Roieski %J Revista de Enfermagem UFPE On Line %D 2010 %I Universidade Federal de Pernambuco %X Objective: to evaluate the Family Health Program in Gurupi-TO, regards to implementation of projects which are specific for the elderly. Methods: after approval of the research by the Research Ethics Committee of the University Castelo Branco (protocol number 0002/2009), a descriptive study was developed in the scope of context evaluation was carried out, applying the questionnaire to the parties responsible for the actions to capture the variety of situations encountered in 14 Family Health Programs in Gurupi-TO city. Results: a total of 3,452 elderly registered in the Family Health Program was verified, which corresponds to 59.64% coverage of the elderly population. However, 80% of the health units being evaluated have no specific actions for the elderly, being identified the group ˇ°Saber Viverˇ± and the ˇ°Grupo do Idosoˇ±. The most active professional in the programs directed to the elderly where the physicians, nurses and health community agents. The main difficulties encountered for implementing the actions were: budgetary, infra-structure and disclosure of the programs Conclusion: it was verified that, in practice, the rights of this population are not assured yet, which evidences the need for remedy the difficulties in mentioned on the implementation of programs. %K family health program %K elderly %K health policy %U http://www.ufpe.br/revistaenfermagem/index.php/revista/article/view/700