%0 Journal Article %T Maxwell Equations with Accounting of Tensor Properties of Time %A Vlokh R. %A Kvasnyuk O. %J Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics %D 2007 %I Institute of Physical Optics %X The Maxwell equations with accounting for tensors properties of time have been considered. The effects that follow from such consideration are described. These are the appearance of vacuum polarization, anisotropy of electromagnetic wave velocity in vacuum, anisotropy of the vacuum dielectric permittivity, rotation of light polarization plane, as well as the existence of longitudinal components of electromagnetic wave and the rotational (non-potential) component of electric field caused by electric charges. %K Maxwell equations %K time %K speed of light %K physical vacuum %U http://www.ifo.lviv.ua/journal/UJPO_PDF/2007_3/0103_2007.pdf