%0 Journal Article %T Management of Emergency Services in Some Selected Upazila Health Complexes %A Mohammad Kamruzzaman Khan %A Zahidur Rahman %A Fazlur Rahin Kaiser %A Jannatul Ferdous %J Medicine Today %D 2009 %I Medicine Today %R http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/medtoday.v21i2.12545 %X A Cross sectional descriptive type of study was conducted in the Emergency Departments of Ghatail, Kalihati, Gopalpur; Bashail &Nagorpur Upazila Health Complexes under Tangail District to find out the available facilities, availability of service providers, waiting time of patients for receiving service, emergency referral rate and to assess patientsĄŻ and doctorsĄŻ satisfaction regarding services in the Emergency Departments. A total of 105 patients & 10doctors were interviewed, using structured questionnaires and facilities were observed through a check list. Results of the study revealed that majority of the patients (75.2%) did not find doctor in the Emergency Departments immediately and in 94.3% cases they found either Medical Assistant (MA) or Nurse or Pharmacist. 5.7% patients did not find any health personnel in the Emergency Departments immediately. 55% attending the Emergency Departments did not receive doctorsĄŻ service. Waiting time of the most patients (58.1%)for receiving health care was less than 2 minutes. 70% patients did not get urgent investigation facilities in the Upazila Health Complexes. 59% patients were discharged after treatment, 33.3% were admitted and 6.7% were referred to higher centers. 58.4% patients using toilets were poorly satisfied with the cleanliness of toilets. 91.4% patients were satisfied with overall management of the Emergency Departments. According to the doctorsĄŻ opinion patientsĄŻ and attendantsĄŻ attitude is good but sometimes not satisfactory. Most of the doctors were not satisfied with their job and think the Emergency Departments not well equipped and not well staffed. %U http://banglajol.info/index.php/MEDTODAY/article/view/12545