%0 Journal Article %T The Style of Magical Realism in the Myths / Mitlerde B¨¹y¨¹l¨¹ Ger ek ilik ¨¹sl bu %A Mehmet Emin BARS %J Uluslararas£¿ T¨¹rk£¿e Edebiyat K¨¹lt¨¹r E£¿itim Dergisi %D 2013 %I Valeh Hacilar K¨¹lt¨¹r Ara?tirmalari Derne?i %R http://dx.doi.org/10.7884/teke.146 %X Magical realism is a type of narration style which appeared different ways in 1950¡¯s and 1960¡¯s that is known as the most prolific term of Latin America¡¯s novel branch until those years. The concept of magical realism reaches to Turkey as a quality of movement in the 1980¡¯s. Magical realism is seen in cooperation with postmodern sense of art significantly in 20¡¯th century. Folkloric narration style is revived with this style. Magical realism is not a new art approach but it is a narration style which has implemented from past to present. It is probable to come across with this style not only in literature but also in every branch of art firstly painting. As to myths, it is a type which narrates the creatiuty of extraordinary powerful heroes. Myths narrate extraordinary powerful people¡¯s being splendid and sacred. In this article, the existence of magical realism in myths will be analysed in folk narration. B¨¹y¨¹l¨¹ ger ek ilik Latin Amerika¡¯n n roman alan nda o y llara kadar en ¨¹retken d nemi olarak bilinen 1950¡¯ler ve 1960¡¯larda farkl ekillerde ortaya km bir anlat m tarz d r. B¨¹y¨¹l¨¹ ger ek ilik kavram , T¨¹rkiye'ye bir ak m niteli iyle 1980'li y llarda ula r. B¨¹y¨¹l¨¹ ger ek ilik, 20. y¨¹zy lda postmodern sanat anlay yla nemli l ¨¹de i birli i i inde g r¨¹l¨¹r. Bu tarzla birlikte folklorik anlat m tarz yeniden canland r lm t r. B¨¹y¨¹l¨¹ ger ek ilik yeni bir sanat yakla m de il, folklorik eserlerde ge mi ten g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹ze kadar uygulanan bir anlat m ¨¹sl budur. Bu ¨¹sl ba sadece edebiyatta de il sanat n, ba ta resim olmak ¨¹zere, hemen her dal nda rastlamak m¨¹mk¨¹nd¨¹r. Mitler ise ola an¨¹st¨¹ niteliklere sahip kahramanlar n yarat c l klar n anlatan bir t¨¹rd¨¹r. Mitler ola an¨¹st¨¹ g¨¹ce sahip ki ilerin kutsal ve ola an¨¹st¨¹ olu lar n anlat r. Bu makalede b¨¹y¨¹l¨¹ ger ek ilik anlat m ¨¹sl bunun halk anlat lar ndan mitlerdeki varl incelenecektir. %K Myth %K magical realism %K extraordinary %K folklore. Mit %K b¨¹y¨¹l¨¹ ger ek ilik %K ola an¨¹st¨¹l¨¹k %K folklor. %U http://www.tekedergisi.com/Makaleler/1768697300_11mit.pdf