%0 Journal Article %T El camino de los lenguajes asociativos en Mauritania: La diversidad cultural como instrumento %A Carvalheira %A Raquel %J Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterr¨¢neos %D 2008 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma de Madrid %X This article seeks to discuss ¨C using the specific context of Mauritania ¨C the uses of culture in the social life of youths. The objective is to introduce a discussion relating to the way in which culture is understood outside of anthropology, i.e., as an instrument that is used discursively by different agents in the public arena andin so-called civil society. %K Mauritania %U http://www.uam.es/otroscentros/TEIM/Revista/reim6/pdfs/04%20Raquel%20Carvalheira.pdf