%0 Journal Article %T La cuesti¨®n de la frecuencia y el tipo de trato con inmigrantes: una aproximaci¨®n a los efectos de las relaciones intergrupales sobre las actitudes hacia la inmigraci¨®n %A Desrues %A Thierry %A Jim¨¦nez Ruiz %A ¨¢frica %A Molina Molina %A Oscar %J Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterr¨¢neos %D 2008 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma de Madrid %X The goal of this report is to look in more depth at the effects that the relationships between indigenous people and immigrants can have on the attitudes of the former towards the latter. The study uses the results of a national opinion poll on the perception of Spaniards towards immigration. Following the traditional perspective of contact theory developed by G.W. Allport, two central questions are posed here: first, if more frequent contact between indigenous and immigrantcommunities brings with it a more positive perception of the migratoryphenomenon and second, if the type of relationship established between the two groups influences this perception. In other words, to what extent does intergroup contact contribute to reducing stereotypes and prejudices towards immigrants? %U http://www.uam.es/otroscentros/TEIM/Revista/reim6/pdfs/03%20Thierry%20Desrues%20Africa%20Jimenez.pdf