%0 Journal Article %T La organizaci¨®n territorial del Protectorado espa ol en Marruecos %A Villanova %A Jos¨¦ Luis %J Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterr¨˘neos %D 2010 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma de Madrid %X The Spanish protectorate in Morocco was based in a High Commision as the highest authority in the area, supported by diferent delegations that promoted the sectorial policies. The Moroccan authority structure was based on a khalifa who was in charge of the government and the administration with the assistance of a central Makhzen. The political action required a territorial organization to keep the Spanish presence. However, this structure based on the Makhzen and the kabyle administration did not take into account the differences and complexity of Morocco. %K Morocco %K protectorate %K High Commission %K kabyle %K Makhzen %U https://sites.google.com/site/teimrevista/numeros/numero-9/la-organizacion-territorial-del-protectorado-espanol-en-marruecos