%0 Journal Article %T Representaciones, expectativas y estrategias vitales de mujeres j¨®venes rurales en Marruecos %A Desrues %A Thierry %A Moreno Nieto %A Juana %J Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterr¨¢neos %D 2009 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma de Madrid %X This article presents the main results of the research project aboutrepresentation, expectancies and young rural women vital strategies in Morocco. Starting from the polysemous category of youth, through the discourses of these women an approach to questions like: what is for them being young, what perception they have of the relation between sexes, how they perceive their own situation in a poorness context or what strategies they see to improve their situation, is done. A variety of different positions has been recovered, far from the monolithic image of the rural woman, reflex of a rural world undergoing a deep process of social change. %K Moroccan Women %U http://www.uam.es/otroscentros/TEIM/Revista/reim7/pdfs/ArticuloThierryyJuana.pdf